Trinidad & Tobago: Embrace the Patriotism! 

Last month our country celebrated Republic Day. And, though our social networks were flooded with photos of our national flag and other gorgeous artwork wishing our islands a happy Republic day, many of us were not aware of its significance. What does it mean to be a ‘Republican’ state?

Our national library: NALIS holds many of our country’s literary records that points to a definition of our ‘Republican’ status as:

A state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote (the electorate), and is exercised by representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by them, and responsible to them.

Our twin island ‘Republic’ has changed over the years, with some changes being for the good and others for the worst. However, it is important that we must always be reminded that these lands belong to us, the citizens. Moreover, the power to make positive change resides within us. Our love for country must move us not only to display our patriotism on national holidays but to allow our very actions and lifestyle to reflect the “Trini to the bone” label we give ourselves. Big and small thinking and more importantly acting, in a way that continues to take us to a place where there is pride in who we are and what we have to offer, is required.


Red, White and Black


Patriotic T&T is dedicated to improving T&T’s self-image and influencing our self-worth. Our wealth doesn’t lie within our oil wells but in our culture, talents and the fabric of our very people. Our power to create change in the norms of our society lies within our mindfulness of our current state as well as in our courage to act to affect the change we desire. Are we using our power as a ‘Republic’ to stand for poor customer service, imported goods, disregard for the environment, erosion of our culture and history, brewing racialism and a ‘wannabe’ New York lifestyle? Indeed, what could we change in Trinidad and Tobago if we realised the power continues to be in our hands?

It is time we stop relying on politicians to make our country better. Yes….they have a role, but so do we! Let’s define who we are and display it for the world to see. Let our hearts beat again with pride that we are from and of Trinidad and Tobago. Let us be proud citizens…but also active citizens. Watch this space as we attempt to bring a movement of patriotism back to our islands.

Join the movement: Patriotic T&T! Are you patriotic?


Protect and Serve T&T

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